I may not be Gareth Pon but …

As a little girl, my sister and I would often tag along with my Dad to camera club. We’d watch how photographs taken with very big fancy cameras where presented and judged and how the smallest shadow or angle could make or break a near perfect shot.

30 years later, these memories all came flooding back with two different things but both involving photos. The first was that I was invited to join a camera club, and the other is that one of my photos was chosen for the iPhoneography exhibition in Johannesburg.

Like majority of people, I take all my pics on my phone, apply a filter and upload to Instagram or other social media platforms. What surprised me by both the camera club evening as well as iPhoneography is that it doesn’t matter if you’re not a professional photographer or that the pics are taken with your phone, it’s the fact that nowadays, anyone can be good at taking pics and enjoy capturing that one great moment. It’s about coming up with something different.

I was incredibly nervous at my first camera club evening. Everyone gives feedback on each other’s pic and as they ‘judge’ your pic, you get to see a different side of your own shot from their perspectives. The themes so far have been eggs & freckles. Here are my two submissions:sunrise eggs


The photos at iPhoneography were absolutely incredible. KK and I walked around looking at the entries a few times and each time, we saw something new which made us gasp. I felt really honoured to see my photo up on the wall among so many exquisite others. It was a picture I took in the rain at the Palace Gardens in Tokyo earlier this year of the most beautiful cherry blossom trees.

cherry blossoms tokyo

But it’s more than that. I was proud of myself. I was proud that I had the guts to enter. Guts to put myself out there. But also immensely proud. Proud that one of my photos was chosen. And proud that it was my name on the wall under my photo.


Both camera club and iPhoneography have taught me the courage to put my work out on display. Camera club in particular is teaching me to deal with criticism feedback and learn from others. It’s made me aware of my work and how I feel about it. It’s the fact that I can be and do anything I want to. It’s about growing. And it’s all about having fun!

Dad, you’d be so proud of me!

(*ps: Gareth Pon is the most amazing photographer and Africa’s top Instagrammer. When I grow up … http://www.garethpon.com/about/)

6 thoughts on “I may not be Gareth Pon but …

    • Apparently the other members of the camera club reckon that the next step for me is a big girl camera too so you’re one step ahead! I’ll chat to the woman who runs the club & ask if she can invite you. Yayness!


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