Me? Run Comrades? Are you mad? I know I’m not. (Maybe)

In the days leading up to and after Comrades, quite a few people asked me if I was going to ever run the ultimate race. As all runners do, I’d politely reply ‘yeah, I’d love to!’ But if I had more time, I’d give them my real answer because trust me, I’ve thought about it long and hard. 

Here’s how I’ve broken it down: 

  • I’m a slow runner. Fact! My training with Coach Dave has helped me slice quite a bit of time off my running pace but I’m still averaging 7:44 on my runs. This is me, giving it all I’ve got. To run Comrades, I’d need to run a hell of a lot faster so that when I take on my walk breaks, I’d still be able to average just over 8 mins/km. To slice off another minute and a half off my current pace is a massive task! 
  • I’ve never run a marathon before. This would then need to be another goal to achieve. And to qualify for Comrades I need to run it in under 5 hours which means I need to average 7mins/km. I’m nowhere near this kinda pace now. I’m struggling to get down to even 7:30! Another goal. 
  • To accomplish these goals is a massive task which would most probably take a a few years I’m guessing. Do I honestly want to commit that amount of effort and dedication into my running at this stage of my life? 

So yes, it’ll always remain a dream. But for now, it’s baby steps. My running form is wrong, I still slouch too much, my core needs strengthening. This is what I’m focused on for now. Getting the basics right and focussing on smaller achievable goals. 

So the question again, am I ever going to run Comrades? Highly unlikely. But then again, you never know. 

The entire bit above was written with my head. But here’s what my heart wants to scream out: 


6 thoughts on “Me? Run Comrades? Are you mad? I know I’m not. (Maybe)

  1. I never thought I’d be able to run a Comrades, always being the slowest one. It is not whether you can, it is whether you want it to be a goal or not. In my heart, I really believe that if you wanted this, it can be done. The only advice I have is to not let people push you into this, we are a crazy running country. Pick your own running dreams. I ran my first marathon at 42 and my first Comrades at 44. Time is on your side, we get better with age like good red wine 🙂 The trick is to start with smaller goals. Work on those and the big picture will become clear – whether or not you should or shouldn’t do the crazy thing called Comrades.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Isabel! You do know that you’re one of my biggest inspirations in my life right now! You ‘grow’ me every time we run together. And I’m learning so much from you. Agreed, I need to start on those smaller goals….


  2. You will B. 2 years ago to this day i was where you are now. You’ve got the long term goal, now focus on the medium to short term goals. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” This is a world where SlowCoach and BellaJogga can run Comrades. If we can you can, you can. Keep the dream. Make the dream a reality.


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