Forgetting 2012 (well, most of it anyhow…)

I’m very happy to be saying goodbye to 2012. If I look back, it wasn’t a pleasant year for me. Yes, there were happy moments scattered through the months here and there, but generally, it was a year I’d much rather leave behind. I’m moving on from…

  • A heart breaking decision to drop out of running my 4th Two Oceans half marathon. I might have been physically ready, but the mental war that rages in my head and self-doubt overwhelmed me and I caved.
  • My health plagued me more than ever. Three major enteropathic arthritis flare-ups this year meant days off work because I was left immobilized and unable to even dress myself.
  • It was a year I learnt the hard lesson that someone’s personal baggage and hurt can spill over into work and damage my reputation. You become known by the company you keep.
  • It was a year where I struggled to lose weight. Eating salads and avoiding the Friday take-out gang at work was not enough. The scale would not drop affecting my moods most days and leaving me feeling pretty miserable.
  • It was a year I started stressing about getting old. A 20 year school reunion, monthly visits to the hairdresser to cover my greys and my folks moving into a retirement village sounded like alarm bells going off.
  • It was a year where being Proudly South African was incredibly tough to be. To stand tall among family and friends who have legitimate reasons to hate this country brought me down too many times and I kept quiet instead of defending what I loved and all that is good about this place.
  • Getting caught up and swept away in the politics swirling around me in the office was a challenge. I knew the issues were not about me or even my colleagues, but the leadership made it very hard to ignore.

I’m unsure how I feel about next year. I suspect another difficult year is ahead so I’d much rather adopt the “wait and see” approach than be all über positive now. I’m crossing my fingers that it’s an exciting year. I expect many challenges and will seek out as many opportunities as I can.

New beginnings

New beginnings

While writing this post, I did come across a tweet from @LeeAnnMayimele. She tweeted, “Today I am grateful for every challenge 2012 threw at me.” I like her attitude and I guess in a way, I agree with her.

18 thoughts on “Forgetting 2012 (well, most of it anyhow…)

  1. I always say new year new life but by March have forgotten it. Hope 2013 is better at work though. Happy new year friend wish you health and more health and lots of good races the rest I know you already have !! Mwah 🙂


  2. I hope I can be as honest with myself when I look back over this past year. I doubt it though. Well done for facing everything head on and for remaining as positive as you always come across.


  3. My baby, I know you will meet every challenge head on, just as you always do. We are in a “Le Slap” mode here not retirement or old age village and anyway what you achieve is aaaawwwlll in your heart and then in your head and even if you dont finish just run the race dont ever give up!! luvu.


  4. Thank you for this succinct & honest blog post @BronyW!! So very true. Do keep at the back of your mind in getting ready for 2013, you are not the result of your failures but rather the result of the achievements you’ve reached (no matter how small or large) when you decided to try again! May your 2013 be Blessed & Prosperous!!


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