Maybe a bike ride will do me good

KK comes home the other day and announces that him and his bestie, DSM, are thinking about doing the 94.7 Momentum Cycle Challenge at the end of the year. He is surprised when I excitedly proclaim, “Awesome, me too!!”

You see, my history with cycling is not a good one…

Since I’ve met KK, he’s been an avid sportsman (I’m boasting now). Other than all the running races he’s done, he has completed x5 Two Ocean half marathons, x1 Argus race, x7 94.7 Cycle Challenges and a couple of mini triathlons thrown in as well. So naturally, on weekends, we’ll engage in some sort of sporty activity.

About 12 years ago, KK and I used to ride our bikes quite often. I lived in Bedfordview at the time, and it was always a really fun occasion to go for a long ride on a Sunday afternoon. We took the bikes to KK’s place one day. He lived in Northcliff (emphasis on the cliff). Riding bikes was tougher as Northcliff is all ups and downs!

We decided one day to ride down (!) to Emmerentia Dam and back home. It was divine. The wind in my hair, the rising sun on my back… we got to the dam in no time and watched the dogs playing in the water and people feeding the ducks. It was a great morning.

It then started to get hot and so we ventured home. However, this time, it was all uphill! And lots of them. My legs ached. My back broke. I was getting sunburnt. With so many hills, I landed up pushing my bike. KK, who was fitter than me, kept moaning that I need to get back on the bike and ride.

Eventually, I exploded! I was so tired, hot, bothered, I threw my bike on the floor, kicked it and walked home without it. I vowed never to ride my bike again. KK pushed his bike and mine all the way home. Since that day, if people ask me if I have a bike, I say no.

Looking back today, I know I acted really childishly but I had been pushed too far and had had enough!

Well, I’m ready to give it another go and so the idea of 94.7 really appeals to me. I’ve got some time to think about it but while my foot has me out of running action, this might be an alternative option?

Wait, wait, wait!

Like I said, I’m thinking about it. A part of me still gets put off at the thought of punctures and at just how long the route is – 100km!

But for now, I need to dig my bike out of the garage, dust it off and make friends with it…That’s a start.

5 thoughts on “Maybe a bike ride will do me good

  1. Pingback: Surviving my first bike ride | Keeping up with the Walkers…

  2. Hey Bo…

    Do what I did… I cut my teeth on the MTB part of the 94.7 Cycle Challenge. Did the 50km 2yrs ago and the 25km last year (I preferred the competitive aspect of the shorter version), either way the MTB course is much more fun and interesting than a boring 100km road race.

    This year however, I plan to do the MTB (probably 25km again, but as a sprint) and the road race (seeing as they’ve finally become smart enough to split them a week apart, instead of a day apart).

    Would be great to see you at the starting line!


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