Lessons from Roald Dahl: Ugly thoughts

When I was growing up, no author ‘spoke’ to me more than what Roald Dahl did. In my little world, it seemed as if only he knew what it was like to be me. So when I found the Roald Dahl collection of books a while back, I was thrilled. Every now and then I pick one up and read a paragraph or two. The one I seem to go back to the most is The Twits.

Dahl’s account of The Twits has been etched in my memory ever since I was a little girl. The way they lived and how they treated one another and everyone else, including animals horrified me. As a child, I hoped to never come across people that ugly. How ironic that as an adult, I do. To this day, when I see a man with a big beard, I always imagine food stuck in it just like Mr Twit. *yuck*

The story always leaves me smiling. Not only is it filled with clever humour, but also such great lessons about life. Here’s one of my favourite examples:

Thank-you Mr Dahl. Thank-you.

** Reference: Roald Dahl’s Scrumdiddlyumptious Story Collection. 2007.

4 thoughts on “Lessons from Roald Dahl: Ugly thoughts

  1. Pingback: It’s so nice… | Painting Mom

  2. The best lesson I learnt from Roald Dahl 🙂

    The Price of Debauchery:

    My mother said, “There are no joys in ever kissing silly boys.
    Just one small kiss & one small squeeze, can land you with some foul disease”

    “But mum, d’you mean from just a Kiss?”
    “You know quite well my meaning, miss.”

    Last week when coming home from school,
    I clean forgot mum’s golden rule.
    I let Tom Young, that handsome louse,
    Steal one small kiss behind my house.

    Oh, woe is me! I’ve paid the price!
    I should have listened to advice.
    My mum was right one hundred fold!
    I’ve caught Tom’s horrid runny cold!


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