Oh no! This can’t be happening already!

I didn’t want to say anything but I feel this blog is all about my running life stress so I might as well share what happened. I had my first nightmare about next year’s Two Oceans Half Marathon last week. There, I said it. Insane, I know.

Entries opened and within the first two hours, KK had successfully entered me. My heart still froze when I received the email confirmation. I’m in. My name is entered. No going back now. The countdown has begun. The following day, I commented on a running coach buddy’s blog about the confusion around cut-off times. Was it still 3 hours? Or did they cut it down by 10 minutes? This niggled me for a while and stressed me out. I don’t have any spare minutes to waste… 8 minutes per km Bron! What to do?

So of course, with it being on my mind and stupid me stressing about it, I had such a bad dream on Thursday evening and woke up sweating. In my dream, I was running the race. It was raining. I was doing fine. I got to the top of Southern Cross but made a wrong turn. I got lost. I couldn’t find anyone. I eventually ran into some arb person’s house to ask for help. But by this time, the clock was ticking and I knew in my heart, I was never going to make it. That’s where my dream ended and I woke up feeling very stressed out and upset.

What is it about this race that stresses me out so much? I can’t explain it! I’ve run so many half marathons before, but this race just gets to me. The fear is just too great!

This is not the best start to my countdown to Oceans. If you’ve followed my blog, you’ve heard me say this over and over again: The race is in my head. It really is.

I need to get my thoughts under control and start telling myself that it will be okay. Because to suffer through another 5 months of this anxiety is not going to be fun.

13 thoughts on “Oh no! This can’t be happening already!

  1. Pingback: Okay Two Oceans, clean slate, here I come! | Keeping up with the Walkers…

  2. Bronwynne how many times have i said, just enjoy it ? Worrying about the race at this early stage isn’t going help, just start training and next year when WE line up for the start you can start stressing, once we start there wont be time for any more worrying, just make like Nike “JUST DO IT”, tell you what I predict, we are going to have fun and get another Two Oceans medal to add to the collection.


      • I use the a strategy that a pacesetter from the 12 hr Comrades taught me, each kilometer is 800 m run 200m walk, when it get tough on the hills you can do a dead man walk which is 100 m run, 100 m walk. I have used this on countless races and all the training I do and the training I give to all my people at my training centre. Basically Bronwynne for this race we are doing practice hills on hill repeats, 200 meter, run up a nice Southern Cross type hill for 200 meters, jog back down and redo, start off with 5 repeats in your normal run and as time goes by increase to 15 repeats. Keep practicing the the 800 m 200 run formula as well, try to be running 25 km by February on your long runs, you will see on the day TO will be easy.


      • You don’t train at your race speed unless you doing speed breaks, so if you are required to run a 8 min p/k race, your training runs especially your long runs you keep it at about 9 mins p/k. When it comes to the speed breaks try for 7 mins p/k but this is short bursts, not more than 400 meters of a km, after the speed burst you need to walk for at least 200 meters. Work out your training schedule for 6 days a week and one rest day where there is no training. Also increase distance every few weeks.


  3. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”
    ― Henry Ford

    You need to think positively! You can do it. You’ve done it before. Many times. Having said that, I’m not saying that you needn’t be a little nervous, I’m nervous before every race, even the 5km ones. A little dose of nervousness helps me not take my fitness for granted.

    I’m really keen on doing the Two Oceans, but waiting for 15 January for the additional registrations to open up. Can’t wait!


  4. Brony find a tester. There are plenty of easy 21km to run first. 5 months is more than enough time to run one and may two before going to Cape Town. So you will be confident for the big day.

    But you know what you will be fine.


    • I plan to do a few in the new year. It’s just this race that freaks me out so much since I missed cut off 3 years ago. Bad memories / baggage. Thx for the motivation!


  5. Aaaw man. These things aren’t supposed to induce so many anxiety. You are your own worst enemy. You have done this before. And you’ll get there again. And I’ve said it before, take the “8 minutes a kay” off your bio. It’s killing you 🙂


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