A tale of two bridges

There are two bridges close to my home which cross over the N1 highway. The bridges are quite symbolic for me because they not only remind me of just how far I’ve come with my running but also an indication of my ability to overcome whatever crosses my path.

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When you stand on one bridge, you can see the other one. An entire loop from home and back, across both bridges is approximately 4.6kms. When I first started running this loop, it felt like a marathon, an impossible task, too difficult. I dreaded running it. Looking across the bridges now, I am humbled at just how far my running journey has come.

My 2015 New Year’s resolution list is not so much about looking ahead as it is about looking back because 2014 was when I learned more about myself than ever before.

My 2015 bridges at a glance:

  • Embrace the unknown. I took on a challenge at work not having the foggiest idea what I was doing. I was terrified but ended up loving each and every minute of the journey. I crossed the bridge!
  • Grab hold of the unknown with both hands: Consistency and discipline. I realised that only I can define what success looks like, both at work and at the races. But both require hard work and don’t come easy.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell people you don’t know; ensure they know that you want to learn. No one can possibly know everything nowadays. The speed at which technology is changing means that our lives have to be one of continuous learning. Not every run is the same but you need to be prepared for the tired legs, the beating sun and the voices in your head. Your role at work should be like running – a constant journey of discovery.
  • Done is better than perfect. I love this saying. I’m your typical blue, A-type personality who frets over the smallest detail. What I’ve learnt is to let go. Get the job done and move on. Cross that bridge!
  • Get the proper coaching and support. Being surrounded by people who believe in you makes one hell of a difference. Especially those people who guide your moves and allow you to grow, both in the office but also on the track. Trust me, your coach believes you can cross that bridge way before you believe it yourself! 

Every time I run over any one of these two bridges, I stop and look across to the other side…

Here’s to a magical 2015, full of adventure and lots of bridges to cross, both at work, home and on the road!

3 thoughts on “A tale of two bridges

  1. Done is better than perfect – I can really relate to that – being at times paralysed by the need for perfection and not moving forward because I am waiting for everything to align perfectly.
    I have been waiting too long for the perfection element in so many things that would be better done and moved past.
    Nice work. Thank you!


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