Lockdown diaries: 9 months. 9 photos. 9 unforgettable memories.

1. It started with a walk around the neighborhood in the last few days before lockdown level 5. How naive we were thinking that lockdown would only last 3 weeks and we’d carry on our lives. We had no idea what awaited us. I remember the silence of our complex when we did all lockdown. So eerie.

2. Not seeing my parents was the hardest part. I don’t visit then as much as I’d like but suddenly I wasn’t able to at all and it hit hard. I still worry about their health.

3. Yup, again. I sprained my ankle stepping off the patio at home. I was terrified of another pulmonary embolism situation & going to the hospital so my anxiety was through the roof.

4. Our little Emma crossed over the rainbow bridge. Her anxiety had reached uncontrollable levels & even though we were at home with her every day during the lockdown, she was starting to go blind, deaf, and frail. We miss her & still have her beds and blankets scattered around the house.

5. Veggie garden attempt number two. Some of the veggies have flourished. Other veggies have died. But it’s such soul food to get your hands full of soil and watch something grow.

6. Hiking. Who would’ve thought this was so much fun. I skipped the banana bread craze but fell in love with the outdoor hikes. It was also great to spend time with friends again.

7. Wedding anniversary celebrations in the bush – KK knows me well. We missed my birthday & a whole bunch of regular races, such as Two Oceans & Comrades. So it was fun to get out & chill in the bush. Working from home & being in one another’s face 24/7 was stressful. No jokes.

8. Yes. I did run around the garden in loops a hundred times. And remember the 6-9am dash during lockdown to grab a coffee at the petrol station down the road. But what a pleasure to get back to track and hang out with other runners again!

9. Zoom calls – with my business coach, Instagram coach, clients. It became the norm. And the start of my highly successful 90 Minute Intensive Sessions. This is where my social media business grew the most as everyone moved online.

2020 has been a ride and a half. These are just the highlights reel. But a year never to be forgotten or hopefully repeated. Bring on Christmas…

Dear God, when Corona is all over, I promise never to hate running again

Yeah, yeah. Famous last words. When I was growing up, I remember making a similar promise to God.

My mom tripped over a tree stump in the garden and dislocated her elbow. Crying in absolute agony, my Dad rushed her to the hospital to have it reset.

Seeing my mom writhing in pain was frightening. The hours waiting for her to return from the hospital dragged on and as night fell, I remember lying in the dark in my bed praying.

I prayed so hard. I promised to stop being a brat of a teenager. I promised to never lie again. I made a pact with God that if He took my mom’s pain away and brought her back home, I’d do whatever it took to be the perfect daughter. (Well, let’s just say I did my best).

I miss running. I miss the races. I miss track. I miss my running coach and all the other runners. I miss the freedom of heading out the door and choosing from a variety of running routes to run around my home.

I feel like that awkward teenage girl, pleading with God to heal the world so that I can go run.

Because I only realise now that when it’s taken away from me, that I really don’t hate running, I love it.

So God, this is my promise.

My magical jumping beans

I was out running last week when literally out of the blue, I remembered a memory of the magical jumping beans from my primary school days.

Growing up, my family spent every holiday we could dragging our caravan through the Kruger National Park.

We would set up camp as close to the fence as possible in the hope that the smell of our braai tjoppies would lure the hyenas. During the scorching days, we camped out at drinking holes for hours with the zinging drone of insects in our ears just waiting for the Big 5 to get thirsty.

It was on one of these holidays that I stumbled across some magical jumping beans lying under a tree.

I collected them up and carried them around in a used yoghurt cup (most probably a choc chip flavor as this was my favorite and still is). The beans mimicked popcorn kernels and would jump erratically with a life of their own. Magic!

I was mesmerized. It kept me busy for days and instead of scanning for animals on our drives, my head would be looking down, into the cup, with delight.

Magic in my hands!

This was amazing! And I thought that when I returned to school, the kids would fall at my feet, dying to hold the magical jumping beans in their hands.

It was just before the holiday ended that my beans slowed down and eventually stopped jumping. My heart sank. How I was going to convince my schoolmates of my beans and their tricks. I was devastated.

I returned home and threw the cup with its contents in the bin. School holidays ended and for weeks, my eyes drifted out the classroom window, remembering the clickety click sound of those jumping beans. There was no way anyone would have believed me and so I kept it a secret and when we had to report back on our holiday, I spoke only of zebbies and giraffes.

As the leaves of winter have fallen and spring arrives In Jo’burg, there are pods scattered on the pavements along the road where I run near home. Every time my running shoes crunch on the pods, I remember the beans. 

I know that everyone has a similar memory, their own bean story. How absolutely wonderful life would be if we could capture those feelings again, that innocence, and not listen to the naysayers but truly believe in the magic of jumping beans.

So then, magic or not?

The Tamboti tree flowers in September and the pea sized seeds develop in three-lobed capsules which fall, when mature in November, to the leaf litter below. If you stand by a copse of Tamboti trees on a hot November day you may hear a distinctive rustling in the litter and if you look more closely you will see some flicking in the litter due to some seeds jumping intermittently. Collect some of these jumpers and place them on a plate in the hot sun and the jumping becomes more invigorated. Open one carefully and you will find a small larva whose body suddenly contorts causing the bean to jump. This is the larvae of the small grey moth Emporia melanobasis which parasites the seed when still green. ~ http://www.krugerpark.co.za/africa_tamboti.html

Caravan image credit: SANParks

Running through my Winter…

1. After being brave for so long, we made the decision to put Annie down before she suffered. It radically changed our relationship with Emma. Not a day goes by without us thinking of Little Annie Panks. | 2. I joined a bunch of friends walking dogs at a dog shelter. It was hard work but so rewarding. | 3. We went away with friends to Parys. A weekend of park run, long lunches, popcorn, 30 Seconds and wine. | 4. All CW-X stock is on sale & we managed to sell most of the average sizes. | 5. I started to crochet! It’s fantastic to zone out & detox from devices. | 6. KK and I attended an Enneagram course. Turns out we’re both perfectionist but I avoid conflict. I just want harmony. Funny that. | 7. Another weekend away to the ‘Berg. Good for the soul but boy did it get cold! | 8. Getting artsy fartsy and visiting the Standard Bank gallery. | 9. KK and I ran Old Eds. The running bug has bitten! We’re back!

With so many wonderful memories, I must admit that the signs of Spring could not have come at a better time. That welcoming feeling of warmth, renewal and fresh beginnings. Exactly what I needed most!